Juan Molina
Juan Molina is a senior architect and urban designer at CPRW Fisher. Juan is a graduate of the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona and a Spanish Registered Architect, member of the Collegi Oficial d’Arquitectes de Catalunya. Juan was taught by luminaries, Enric Miralles and Ignasi de Solà-Morales and worked with Viaplana and Pinon on the early days of the ‘Plazas duras’ in Barcelona. He has over 20 years of experience as a practicing architect in New Zealand and Spain, projects include the master planning of Britomart with Cheshire Architects and designing a NZIA award winning projects with CPRW Fisher.
Megan Rule
Megan Rule graduated with honours from the Auckland School of Architecture in 1992 and worked on award winning projects, including Axis Building, D72 (Commercial Refits) and St Helier Residence with Auckland practice Patterson Co Partners until 1998. Prior to completing her degree she traveled extensively while based in the UK working for large commercial practice RHWL. In 1995 Megan participated in an international summer school based out of Macerata (Marche region) and Rome, Italy. From 1998 an extended break from the industry evolved into establishing an independent practice, South Pacific Architecture in 2000, with an expanding interest in the investigation of spatial and material context to produce environmentally sensitive enduring architecture.
Guest Lecturer Auckland University School of Architecture 2003, 2004, 2005.
Member of the NZIA NZ Awards Jury 2005, 2006
David Mead
David is a Director with Hill Young Cooper Ltd, a resource management, environmental policy and planning consultancy with offices in Auckland and Wellington. David has over 25 years experience in resource management policy.
David provides advice on a wide range of RMA-related projects to public and private sector clients. He has provided expert evidence to the Environment Court on urban growth issues and urban design. He regularly undertakes assignments considering future demands for housing, business, transport and social infrastructure and the interactions between these factors. This often involves participation in, and leading workshops, public engagement exercises and design workshops.
David has helped to prepare numerous plan changes relating to new urban developments, car parking, affordable housing, stormwater management, urban design and crime prevention through environmental design. This has involved preparation of strategies and action plans, development of RMA plan provisions, consideration of alternatives, submission analysis, Section 42a reporting and negotiation and mediation post council level hearings.
David acts an Independent Hearing Commissioner and has considered plan changes, resource consents and notices of requirements.
David is a Chair of one of Auckland City’s Urban Design Panels. He has facilitated many professional and community workshops on the New Zealand Urban Design Protocol, urban design frameworks for town centres and structure planning exercises. He co-authored for the Ministry of the Environment, the People + Places + Spaces guideline on urban design.
Prior to joining Hill Young Cooper, David was a member of the strategic projects team at Waitakere City. This team was responsible for developing and implementing a range of integrated sustainable development / Agenda 21 projects, including urban growth, transport and open space strategies, green network, sustainable building methods and community planning initiatives. David was a member of the core team that prepared the current Waitakere District Plan
Richard Goldie
Richard is a Registered Architect, Director at Peddle Thorp. He also teaches at Auckland University, and is running an internship programme at our office with Unitec students. Richard is involved in the NZIA and sit on the Urban Design Panel and the Property Council.
Richard joined Peddle Thorp in 1997, becoming a Director in 2000. He has undertaken projects in Auckland city and throughout regional New Zealand, and they range from private housing and retail interiors to large scale commercial high rise. Many have received Professional and Industry awards.
His aim is to continue a developing mastery of architectural technology-craft as a working palette for the production of carefully scaled, authentic, enduring buildings.
Richard is widely involved in the Architectural community and served as an Associate Professor at Auckland University School of Architecture, on a number of NZIA AVP and VP panels, Chairman of the NZIA Auckland Branch, and has written Practice Notes on commercial practice areas. He is currently the Chair of the CIC Guidelines 2015 Review Committee.
George Woolford
George has progressed from senior landscape architect to a team leader of the Auckland Design Practice – something that reflects the opportunities that Beca provides and his passion for generating positive change.
Since starting in 2015, George has felt a real sense of ownership in the direction of the Design Practice. Being part of strategy sessions and huis gives the team visibility across the business. The culture isn’t typical of a multi-disciplinary consultancy – the projects are diverse and exciting, and the studio environment allows creativity to flourish.
The key thing for George is how we work together - graduates and technical leaders across numerous disciplines and geographical locations sharing their smarts to deliver creative solutions. We’re big on integrating innovative design solutions into our projects, and working collaboratively with clients and the community.
He has a personal interest in sustainability and green infrastructure, and enjoys working for a company that empowers him to help drive and embed these initiatives in his work.
Cheering him on from the side-lines is his family. With twin girls and an interest in rugby to keep him busy outside of work, he’s grateful for the flexibility his career provides and the opportunities that lie ahead.